We hear it all the time . Everyone is trying to live their "best life". In my opinion the way we think and how we react to our thinking control the outcomes of our lives. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions will lead us to a version of our lives that are in line with them. We must search and discover our definition of who we are, who we want to be, and how we want to reflect these in our lives. We have the power to will ourselves into the lives we want.
For those of us who believe in God, our prayers and meditations are a collaborative work. Our emotional and actual reactions to circumstances will be the determining factors in what we end up with. I am a writer. I have amazing ideas. If I write, these are shared. If I do not, well, you get the picture.
You can seek strength through support of friends, from family, or even God, but you must put the work in. As far as you know, this life is the only one you have. We must understand we are custodians of our lives and we have the power and responsibility to develop ourselves. We are God’s fingerprints . We are unique and individually special in our own way. So think, emote, and act in accordance to the life you want. You got this.